역할모호성과 역할갈등이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 : 정서적 고갈의 매개효과를 중심으로 / The Effects of Role Ambiguity and Role Conflicts on Job Satisfaction : Focusing on the mediation effects of emotional exhaustion
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
본 연구는 역할모호성 및 역할갈등과 직무만족 간의 영향 관계를 좀 더 명확하게 규명하기 위하여 정서적 고갈을 매개변수로 설정하고 구성 개념들을 측정하였다. 이론적 고찰을 통하여 다음과 같은 개념들 간의 영향관계를 살펴보고자 가설을 설정하였다. 첫째로, 역할모호성과 역할갈등의 수준이 높아질수록 직무만족의 수준은 낮아질 것으로 예측하였다. 둘째로 역할모호성과 역할갈등의 수준이 높아질수록 정서적 고갈의 수준은 높아질 것으로 예측하였다. 셋째로 정서적 고갈의 수준이 높아질수록 직무만족의 수준은 낮아질 것으로 예측하였다. 넷째로 역할모호성과 역할갈등이 직무만족에 미치는 영향관계에서 정서적 고갈이 매개할 것으로 예측하였다. 이러한 연구 가설을 검정하기 위해 중국 광주지역과 북경지역에 위치한 회사에 근무하는 영업직, 관리직, 생산직, 서비스직, 기술직, 사무직 직원들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 300부를 배포하여 274부를 최종분석에 사용하였다. 실증분석결과, 역할모호성과 역할갈등이 높아질수록 직무만족이 낮아진다는 가설은 지지되었고, 역할모호성과 역할갈등이 높아질수록 정서적 고갈의 수준이 높아진다는 가설도 지지되었다. 또한, 정서적 고갈이 높아질수록 직무만족의 수준이 낮아질 것이라는 가설이 지지되었고, 역할모호성과 역할갈등이 높아질수록 직무만족의 수준이 낮아지는 관계는 정서적 고갈의 매개역할로 인하여 직무만족의 수준이 더욱 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다.
This study used the emotional exhaustion as a parameter andmeasured constitutional concepts to clearly identify the effects of roleambiguity and role conflicts on job satisfaction. Hypotheses wereestablished to evaluate the relationship among the following conceptsthrough theoretical considerations. Firstly, it was predicted that thelevel of job satisfaction would decrease as the levels of roleambiguity and role conflicts increased. Secondly, it was expected thatthe level of emotional exhaustion would decrease as the levels of roleambiguity and role conflicts increased. Thirdly, the level of jobsatisfaction was predicted to decrease as the level of emotionalexhaustion increased. Fourthly, emotional exhaustion was expected tomediate the effects of role ambiguity and role conflicts on jobsatisfaction. In order to test these hypotheses, a survey wasconducted for sales, management, production, service, and technicalstaffs working for companies located in Guangzhou and Beijing,China. Three hundred copies of questionnaires were distributed and274 copies were used for the final analysis. The results of empiricalanalyses supported the hypothesis that the level of job satisfactionwould decrease as the levels of role ambiguity and role conflictsincreased and the hypothesis that the level of emotional exhaustionwould decrease as the levels of role ambiguity and role conflictsincreased. Moreover, it also supported the hypothesis that the level ofjob satisfaction was predicted to decrease as the level of emotionalexhaustion increased. The level of job satisfaction decreased evenfurther due to emotional exhaustion in the relationship that the levelof job satisfaction decreased as role ambiguity and role conflictbecame higher, is lowered due to the role of emotional exhaustion
This study used the emotional exhaustion as a parameter andmeasured constitutional concepts to clearly identify the effects of roleambiguity and role conflicts on job satisfaction. Hypotheses wereestablished to evaluate the relationship among the following conceptsthrough theoretical considerations. Firstly, it was predicted that thelevel of job satisfaction would decrease as the levels of roleambiguity and role conflicts increased. Secondly, it was expected thatthe level of emotional exhaustion would decrease as the levels of roleambiguity and role conflicts increased. Thirdly, the level of jobsatisfaction was predicted to decrease as the level of emotionalexhaustion increased. Fourthly, emotional exhaustion was expected tomediate the effects of role ambiguity and role conflicts on jobsatisfaction. In order to test these hypotheses, a survey wasconducted for sales, management, production, service, and technicalstaffs working for companies located in Guangzhou and Beijing,China. Three hundred copies of questionnaires were distributed and274 copies were used for the final analysis. The results of empiricalanalyses supported the hypothesis that the level of job satisfactionwould decrease as the levels of role ambiguity and role conflictsincreased and the hypothesis that the level of emotional exhaustionwould decrease as the levels of role ambiguity and role conflictsincreased. Moreover, it also supported the hypothesis that the level ofjob satisfaction was predicted to decrease as the level of emotionalexhaustion increased. The level of job satisfaction decreased evenfurther due to emotional exhaustion in the relationship that the levelof job satisfaction decreased as role ambiguity and role conflictbecame higher, is lowered due to the role of emotional exhaustion