
중국 쓰촨성 티베트족 민간무용의 전승양상과 종교·사상성 연구 / A study on Transmission, Religion and Thought in Tibetan folk dance of Sichuan in China
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
중국 쓰촨성 티베트족
Focusing on transmission background of folk dance of Tibetan people with the widest distribution, the oldest history, and the most art culture of 55 minority races in China except for Han, this study is to reveal religion and thought included in unique transmission background and dance of Tibetan folk dance. For this, the study set limits to Tibetan people in Sichuan, one of 3 Tibetan areas in China, and focused on folk dance handed down among Tibetan people in this area. This study used a dance anthropology method based on a qualitative research method. The study went through 4 steps. In Step 1, the researcher collected and organized literature data of Tibetan folk dance in Sichuan, so prepared basic information for an on-the-spot survey through a study. In Step 2, the researcher conducted 2 spot investigations based on basic information for an on-the-spot survey that the researcher prepared. An on-the-spot survey was mostly worked by interview with local dancer, shooting dance video, and collection of local literature data and imagery data. In Step 3, interview and literature data collected in an on-the-spot survey were interpreted, and dance moves were explained and analyzed by shot or collected imagery data. In Step 4, the researcher visited a third of field location for missing piece, so conducted an on-the-spot survey for supplementation work. Based on study in Step 1, 2, and 3, and supplementation in Step 4, the researcher drew religion and thought included in unique transmission background and dance, analyzing Tibetan folk dance moves. The results of research work through above course of study are as follows. First, as historical and geographical background, Tibetan folk dance handed down in Sichuan has both common characteristic of Tibetan dance in other areas, and special and proud characteristic in Sichuan. For example, Batang Xianzi in Sichuan originated from the context as same as Xianzi in Tibet, but Xianzi developed further and was widely prevalent in an area ‘Batang’ of Sichuan, so this dance was named Batang Xianzi, so was designated in Chinese National intangible cultural heritage Name List. Second, Tibetan religions are Bon that is folk reliefs in Tibet, Buddhism derived from India, and then Lamaism formed by blending Buddhism and Bon. Tibetan religious thoughts have affected different sides of Tibetan life for ages, and Tibetan religious meaning has affected dance moves, dressing, and contents of Tibetan folk dance. Third, Tibetan folk dance in Sichuan has been handed down among Tibetan people and has developed for ages, so has importantly social function and highly artistic quality. Ideologically and artistically, Tibetan folk dance has Eastern philosophical meaning and aesthetic value. Therefore, a study on Tibetan folk dance in Sichuan is above the scope of dance, so can study the pivotal figure of the local social culture. This study will suggest not only practical technique of Tibetan folk dance in Sichuan but also a theoretical method of study, and will be important data that can bring revaluation of the value.