20세기 미국 모더니즘 디자인은 현대디자인에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 / A Study on the America Modernism Design effect on Modern Design of the 20th century
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
왕신 / Wang, Chen
19세기 말엽 예술의 모든 분야에 걸쳐 나타나기 시작한 모더니즘은 제1차 세계대전의 종식과 더불어 전성기를 맞이하면서 미술에서 시작하여 디자인으로 그 영향은 번져나갔다. 디자인은 인류가 원래의 시물을 바꿔서 이를 변화시키고, 발전시킨 창조적 활동이다, 디자인은 디자인의 대상과 목적의 다름에 따라 디자인 수단도 상당한 변화가 나타난다, 또한 디자인 수단은 상당한 기술력에 달려서 디자인은 끊임없이 기술의 발전에 따라 발전하여 왔다, 18세기 후반 영국 산업혁명으로부터 19세기 중반 유럽 각국 나름대로의 산업혁명을 완성시킨 후에 기계화 생산방식이 수공업 노동의 생산방식을 대체하며 생산 기술의 혁명에 의해 산업디자인을 비롯한 모더니즘 디자인 전반의 변화가 일어났다. 수공예와 관련된 디자인 단계가 모더니즘 디자인 단계로 넘어가며 점점 수공예디자인의 지위를 대체하였다. 모더니즘의 시대적 특징을 보면 디자인 변혁 시기 중에 모더니즘 디자인은 끊임없이 변화하고 있다, 이는 각기 다른 발전시기에 따라 다른 디자인 경향이 나타나지만 기능주의와 이성주의는 시종 모더니즘 디자인의 핵심이다. 1920년대, 태평양 건너편에 있는 미국은 기계화 대량생산에 따라 국내 생산력이 상상할 수 없을 정도로 발전하였다. 미국 디자이너는 유럽파 디자이너가 선언한 민주사상과 사회를 개량하겠다는 유토피아식 포부와 달리 미국 시장 경쟁의 시점에서 제품이 가져올 수 있는 판매 수익과 시장 이윤에 관심을 두었다. 한 마디로 말하자면 미국 현대 디자인의 탐색과정은 농후한 실용과 상업주의 색깔이 있다. 본 연구에서는 모더니즘 디자인의 변화시기 중 미국 모더니즘 디자인의 성장배경과 발전과정 및 특징을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 문헌연구와 사례분석을 동시에 진행하였다. 문헌연구에서는 국내·외 기존 학자들의 선행연구를 바탕으로 정리하였다. 사례 범위는 미국 모더니즘의 대표 디자이너들을 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다.
Modernism which can be found in the whole gamut of arts and writing at the end of the 19th century started to emerge and finally had its golden time with the end of the Word War I, and it never stopped giving a huge impact on not only arts but design. Design is human that change the original thing, make it developmen of creative activity. With different design objects and design purposes, the design means will produce a corresponding change, and the means depends on the respectve design techniques. Therefore, the development of design is continuous with the development of technology. From Britain in the First Half of the 18th century to the mid-19th century after Europe and the United States have been completed the Industrial Revolution, mechanization of production gradually replaced the manual labor of production, with the production techology innovations, the modernism design based on the industrial design have emerged. Design that arts and crafte design phasetransition to modernism design stage and gradully replaced the dominant of the design crafts. This paper emphasizes the era features of modernism design,in other words, the desgn ideas and methods of modernism design.In the modernism revolution, modernism design is evolving, it has a different design trends in the different period of development, but functionalism and commercialism is the core importance of modernism design. 1920s, in the US, mechanization and mass production to the development of productivity unimaginable degree. It different with utopian aspiration of European designers to promote democratic ideas and improved social, First, American designers from the perspective of market competition, more attention to productions can bring the company’s sales revenue and business profits. In short, The process of American modernism design is always full of rich practical and commercialism colors. In the study, in order to achieve the study purpose, literature research and case analysis had proceeded simultaneously. Sorting the issue of existing literatures scholars as the basis In the literature research. Research of range, American modernism on behalf of designers as the center.
Modernism which can be found in the whole gamut of arts and writing at the end of the 19th century started to emerge and finally had its golden time with the end of the Word War I, and it never stopped giving a huge impact on not only arts but design. Design is human that change the original thing, make it developmen of creative activity. With different design objects and design purposes, the design means will produce a corresponding change, and the means depends on the respectve design techniques. Therefore, the development of design is continuous with the development of technology. From Britain in the First Half of the 18th century to the mid-19th century after Europe and the United States have been completed the Industrial Revolution, mechanization of production gradually replaced the manual labor of production, with the production techology innovations, the modernism design based on the industrial design have emerged. Design that arts and crafte design phasetransition to modernism design stage and gradully replaced the dominant of the design crafts. This paper emphasizes the era features of modernism design,in other words, the desgn ideas and methods of modernism design.In the modernism revolution, modernism design is evolving, it has a different design trends in the different period of development, but functionalism and commercialism is the core importance of modernism design. 1920s, in the US, mechanization and mass production to the development of productivity unimaginable degree. It different with utopian aspiration of European designers to promote democratic ideas and improved social, First, American designers from the perspective of market competition, more attention to productions can bring the company’s sales revenue and business profits. In short, The process of American modernism design is always full of rich practical and commercialism colors. In the study, in order to achieve the study purpose, literature research and case analysis had proceeded simultaneously. Sorting the issue of existing literatures scholars as the basis In the literature research. Research of range, American modernism on behalf of designers as the center.