신문 뉴스의 프레임 전이 효과 연구 : 책임귀인 프레임을 중심으로 / A study on news reports’ frame transfer effect-focused on the Attribution of Responsibility
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
This experimental study examined the transfer effect of news frame. That is, after reading the first news reports of the news list, news audiences will be influenced by the news frame, and use that frame to interpret the issues in next news reports. And this study explored whether there is interaction effect between frame transfer effect and issue relevance of the news reports. The experimental design was 2(responsibility frames: societal responsibility frame / personal responsibility frame) × 2(high issue relevance / low issue relevance) between-subjects factorial. 156 undergraduates partook in the first experiment and 77 undergraduates partook in the added experiment. Although the total data shows no differences in participants’ interpretation of causes on the follow news reports, but the results of added analysis showed that if the news frame effect of the first news report is strong enough, there will be significant difference in the interpretation of causes on the follow news report. That means, the frame transfer effect will be caused in this situation.Keywords: frame transfer effect, attribution of responsibility, issue relevance, societal responsibility frame, personal responsibility frame