한국어와 중국어의 금기어 비교 연구: 죽음에 관한 금기어를 중심으로 / A Comparative study on the Taboo Language between Korean and Chinese
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
본 연구의 목적은 한국어와 중국어 금기어 가운데 죽음에 관한 금기어를 비교 분석함으로써 그 공통점과 차이점을 밝히는 것에 있다. 지금까지 금기어에 관한 기존 연구는 이미 일정한 성과가 이루어져 있지만 통사적 금기어의 문형과 수사법에 관한 연구가 많이 다루어지지 않았다. 따라서 본고는 금기어와 수사법의 개념 및 유형을 정리하여 의미적으로 한국어와 중국어 죽음에 관한 금기어를 인간과 관련된 금기어, 명절과 관련된 금기어, 초상·장례·제사와 관련된 금기어, 동식물과 관련된 금기어, 의식주와 관련된 금기어, 기타행동과 관련된 금기어 등 여섯 가지로 나누어 금기어의 내용을 비교 분석하였다. 그 다음으로 앞의 내용을 토대로 금기어의 문형과 수사법에 대해 공통점과 차이점을 검토하였다. 금기어의 내용 면에서 보면 두 나라 모두 예로부터 불교사상과 유교사상의 영향을 받아왔기 때문에 차이점도 있지만 공동점이 더 많은 것을 알 수 있다. 금기어의 문형 면에서 한국어와 중국어 금기어의 문형은 모두 비슷하게 이루어지고 있는데 A형과 B형으로 구성된 금기어는 한국어 금기어에서 더 많이 발견되는 반면 C형과 D형으로 이루어진 금기어는 중국어 금기어에서 더 많이 존재한다.또한 수사법에 대해 중국어 금기어에서는 각운법, 교차배열법, 쌍관법을 쓰는 금기어가 보인다. 하지만 한국어 금기어에서는 통사층위에 따른 반복법만 사용하고 있다. 그 이유는 첨가어인 한국어는 금기어의 문형과 한국어 문장의 기본 구조의 제약을 받기 때문이다. 동양 문화권에 속해 있는 두 나라는 동일한 한자를 사용하고 서로 영향을 주고받으면서 비슷한 금기어도 많이 있지만, 현대에 들어와서 정치적, 경제적, 이념적 문화 차이가 있기 때문에 차이점도 많이 존재한다. 이에 따라서 두 나라 통사적 금기어의 문형과 수사법 등 요소를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 이러한 연구는 두 언어를 외국어로, 또는 제2언어로 공부하는 학습자들 모두에게 언어와 문화를 습득하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다.
The purpose of this study is to find similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean tabooed word by comparative analysis on the tabooed word about death. Up to now, existing studies on the tabooed word have already regular outcome. However, there was few studies on syntactic structure and rhetoric of tabooed word. Therefore, this study summarized the concept and types of tabooed word and rhetoric and classified Korean and Chinese death related tabooed words into six categories, tabooed words related to human, tabooed words related to holiday, tabooed words related to mourning, funeral and ancestral rite, tabooed words related to animals and plants, tabooed words related to food, lodge and clothe and tabooed words related other behavior for analysis. Next, based on the above content, similarity and differences on sentence structure and rhetoric of tabooed words were reviewed. Looking into the content of tabooed words, it is observed that there are some differences but more similarities because both the country have been affected by buddhism and confucianism. The sentence structure of Korean and Chinese tabooed words was similar. The tabooed words comprising of A and B type were appeared more in Korean tabooed words while C and D type existed more in Chinese tabooed words. There are tabooed words using rhymes law and chiasmus in Chinese tabooed words. However, Korean tabooed words use repetition according to syntactic layers. It is because the Korean language, an affixing language, has restriction in the sentence structure of tabooed words and basic structure of Korean sentence. The two countries have similar tabooed words as they have been mutually affecting by using the same chinese letter. However, there are some differences because of political, economical and theological culture difference in modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to observe sentence structure and rhetoric of both countries' tabooed words. This study would be of help for the learner who study both languages as the second language to learn language and culture.
The purpose of this study is to find similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean tabooed word by comparative analysis on the tabooed word about death. Up to now, existing studies on the tabooed word have already regular outcome. However, there was few studies on syntactic structure and rhetoric of tabooed word. Therefore, this study summarized the concept and types of tabooed word and rhetoric and classified Korean and Chinese death related tabooed words into six categories, tabooed words related to human, tabooed words related to holiday, tabooed words related to mourning, funeral and ancestral rite, tabooed words related to animals and plants, tabooed words related to food, lodge and clothe and tabooed words related other behavior for analysis. Next, based on the above content, similarity and differences on sentence structure and rhetoric of tabooed words were reviewed. Looking into the content of tabooed words, it is observed that there are some differences but more similarities because both the country have been affected by buddhism and confucianism. The sentence structure of Korean and Chinese tabooed words was similar. The tabooed words comprising of A and B type were appeared more in Korean tabooed words while C and D type existed more in Chinese tabooed words. There are tabooed words using rhymes law and chiasmus in Chinese tabooed words. However, Korean tabooed words use repetition according to syntactic layers. It is because the Korean language, an affixing language, has restriction in the sentence structure of tabooed words and basic structure of Korean sentence. The two countries have similar tabooed words as they have been mutually affecting by using the same chinese letter. However, there are some differences because of political, economical and theological culture difference in modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to observe sentence structure and rhetoric of both countries' tabooed words. This study would be of help for the learner who study both languages as the second language to learn language and culture.