
중국진출 한국기업 인적자원관리 개선방안 연구 / A Study on Human Resource Management of Korean corporations in China
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
human resource management
international human resource management
HRM Risk
중국진출 한국기업이 증가됨에 따라 현지에서 성과를 향상시키기 위한 노력과 이에 대한 연구가 중요해지고 있다. 기업의 발전을 위해서 중국에 진출한 한국기업들이 성과 향상을 위한 다양한 전략수립과 적절한 실행전략이 중요하다. 한국기업의 해외지역의 시장에 진입 후 현지 법인 관리 시 본사의 글로벌 전략과 현지 문화적 특성을 동시에 고려한 세심한 관리가 필요하다. 해외진출에서 중장기적으로 성공하기 위한 전략 중 중요한 것이 인적자원관리다. 중국은 전 세계 중에 있는 인구 대국으로서 풍부한 인력자원을 포함하다. 세계적인 기업들이 모두 다 들어와 있고 중국 기업들의 경쟁력이 향상시키고 규범도 강화되고 있다. 인력자원관리를 통한 중장기적 경영안정과 지속한 성장은 매우 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 인적자원관리의 개념, 분류, 중요성을 고찰하고 국제인적자원관리가 선행연구를 통해서 분석하고 양자 간의 차이점을 정리한다. 해외진출에서 중장기(中長期)적으로 성공하기 위한 중요한 것이 인적자원관리다. 한국기업의 해외진출이 증가됨에 따라 해외 자회사의 경영에 관련된 내부, 외부적 요인들에 연구를 분석하고 그 중에 자회사의 성과를 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인이 국제 인적자원관리이다. 중국에 세계적인 기업들이 모두 다 들어와 있고 현지 기업들의 경쟁력이 향상시키고 규범도 강화되는 배경으로 작성한다. 그래서 2008년 하반기 이래 ‘노동계약법’, ‘취업촉진법’, ‘노동분쟁조정중재법’의 시행과 글로벌 경제 위기가 중첩되면서, 중국 노동시장과 노사관계는 전대미문의 위기에 봉착하였다. 인적자원관리를 통한 중장기적 경영안정과 지속한 성장은 매우 중요하다. 그래서 이상연구를 통해서 해외진출 한국기업의 인적자원관리 리스크를 분석하고 현지화 등 개선방안을 제시한다.
As there is a big increase in the number of Korean corporations in China, studies and researches on Korean firms in China also have an unprecedented increase in the number of them. Some of scholars in every academic field have been viewing as important themes of study, how to set company strategies, how to improve a production efficiency and how to localize their goods and services in China. it is the first important and decisive fact that, if a company would like to make a stable progress in the long run, is a human resources management. In the normal circumstances of market economy, competitions between talented people mean another kind of competitions between companies in whatever industries. Therefore there is no wonder that human resource management is not just a base of sustainable development but may be a very essential act that can make companies have abilities to improve its productivity and efficiency and so on. In addition to it, human resource management, as a form of business management, would provide companies opportunities to make profits, at the same time, lead them into risk while their business activities. In this dissertation, I will find out some of internal and external facts which have an influence on human resource management. Once error takes place in the field of human resource management, it should cause companies to lose their comparative advantages in the process of competitions, and then bring about huge losses and even would confront aftermath that their subsidiary companies have not choice but to leave their foreign markets. In my dissertation, I will start with a theoretical consideration on the definition of human resources management by analyzing its category and main form, and understand how important it is, and then try to find some differences between domestic and international in this field by comparing to both of the two, and finish with making a conclusion about how big role effective international human resource management has in whether subsidiaries abroad succeed in establishing themselves in foreign local markets. China has long attracted a lot of multinationals and companies from every corner of the globe to invest in its economy with its big market and sufficient talented and low wage labor forces. From 1979 in which Chinese government decided to open its market and reform its economy, it chose a policy with which Chinese government has made some people rich at first, but it has lead to a big polarization of wealth between the rich and poor so that wose days this wealth gap between its social members comes to threaten its social stability, so Chinese government decides to bridge the gap and makes some acts to reform some parts of its economic structure such as wage and official working hours. Those changes in China’s economic environment have made a number of foreign business out of Chinese market. Although some of big foreign companies remain in Chinese market, but they have no way to avoid such shocks as well. Obviously their economic efficiencies fall steeply. On the process to write this dissertation, I introduced some theories of economics and business administration as well as adopted a lot of views and study results of experts and scholars. And I tried to analyze causes putting human resource management in risk, on this basis, I pointed out some ways to avoid risks. Finally I made a conclusion about how Korean companies in China improve their human resource management.