포스터에 반영된 한·중의 시각문화 비교 연구 : 서울·베이징올림픽 공식 포스터를 중심으로 / A Study on Korean and Chinese Visual Culture Reflected on Posters : Focused on the Seoul and Beijing Olympic Official Posters
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
한국과 중국은 오랜 기간 동안의 교류를 바탕으로 정치, 경제, 문화, 예술 등 여러 분야에 걸쳐 많은 유사성을 지니게 되었다. 그러나 1950년을 전, 후로 양국은 서로 다른 정치체제를 유지하며 각자 다른 길을 걸어왔다.한국은 서구 문화를 통해 디자인을 알게 되었고, 중국도 1980년대 개혁개방을 통하여 국제적인 문화양식을 이해해 나가기 시작했다.올림픽은 세계 최대의 운동경기일 뿐만 아니라 개최국의 문화, 역사와 전통, 예술을 적극적으로 알릴 수 있는 무대이기도 하다. 1988년 서울 올림픽과 2008년 베이징 올림픽 사이에는 20년이라는 시간의 차이가 있다. 그러나 올림픽 개최 시 양국의 시대적 상황은 매우 유사했다. 두 나라 모두 본격적인 개방과 산업화가 이루어진 시기였으며 서구적인 디자인 속에서 자국 문화의 가치를 찾으려는 자각이 이루어진 시기였다.한국과 중국의 문화적 특성이 담겨있는 올림픽포스터를 비교, 분석함으로써 양국의 시각문화를 이해하고 그것을 어떻게 활용할 것인가에 대해 연구하였다.포스터는 구체적인 정보전달에서부터 눈에 보이지 않는 함축적인 내용에 이르기까지 대량의 이미지를 불특정 다수에게 유포시키는 매체이다. 시대를 반영하는 거울로서 포스터는 지난 세기의 중요한 사회변화를 감각적 시각언어로 표현하고 널리 유포시키면서 우리가 어디에 와 있는지를 여실히 보여주었다.현대 포스터디자인은 다양한 기법과 발상의 전환 등 그 표현방법에 있어 다각적으로 발전하고 있다. 디자이너들이 올림픽포스터를 디자인함에 있어 어떻게 하면 강한 생명력을 심어줄 것인가, 어떻게 자국의 문화와 전통을 새롭게 표현할 것인가에 대해 많은 고민과 노력을 기울이고 있다.서울, 베이징올림픽 공식 포스터를 비교, 분석하여 얻은 결론은, 첫째, 이미지 처리의 측면에서 살펴본 양국의 차이는, 한국은 표현 대상을 상징적으로 처리하고, 중국은 직접적으로 처리한다. 이는 분석과 종합에 능한 한국인과 시각적, 현실적인 것을 중요시하는 중국인의 문화차이에서 비롯된 것이라 할 수 있다.둘째, 레이아웃의 차이점을 살펴보면, 한국은 주로 수직형의 레이아웃을 사용한 반면, 중국은 주로 수평형의 레이아웃을 사용하였다. 이는 지리적인 폐쇄성을 극복하려는 의지가 있는 한국인과 이민족과 공생의 지혜를 가지고 있으며 대륙문화 기질이 있는 중국인들의 정서차이에서 비롯된 것이다.셋째, 타이포그래피의 차이점을 살펴보면, 한국은 산세리프 서체를 사용하여 영문표기만 한 반면, 중국은 한자와 영문을 조화시켜 표기하였다. 이는 정통성에 집착하는 한국인과 자국문화에 대한 자부심이 강한 중국인의 문화차이에서 비롯된 것이다.넷째, 색채 사용의 차이점을 살펴보면, 한국은 오방색을 기본으로 다양한 중간색을 활용한 반면, 중국은 민족 색채(적, 황)를 넓은 면적에 적극적으로 사용하였다. 이는 자연과의 조화를 중시하며 감성적인 설득을 주로 하는 한국인과 인종보다는 문명을 중요시하며 직접적인 설득을 주로 하는 중국인의 정서차이에서 비롯된 것이다.본 논문의 연구내용은 양국의 시각문화 생산자와 소비자들에게 양질의 구체적인 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
Korea and China have political, economical, cultural and artistic similarities based on long period of exchange. Nevertheless these two countries have maintained different political system and passed different way since 1950's.Korea have understood modern design on account of western countries and China have been understanding global culture owing to their government's reforming and opening policy since 1980.The Olympic Game is not only the world's biggest sports events but also the stage that can show off host country's culture, tradition and arts. While two countries were in similar situation when they host the Olympic Games, there are 20 years time gap between the 1988 Seoul Olympic and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Both countries were in the period of open and industrialization and started to realize their own cultural value.The purpose of this study is to understand cultural difference of two countries and find the way of it's practical use by comparing and analyzing the Seoul and Beijing official Olympic posters.The poster is the medium that spread massive images from practical information to implicative contents to unspecified people. The poster is the mirror that reflects the era and have told us where we are by expressing last century's crucial social change with sensuous visual language.The expression way of modern poster design is changing multidirectionally such as various techniques and conceptual conversion.Designers are anguishing and endeavoring how to implant vitality and express their own culture and tradition freshly at the Olympic posters.Comparing and analyzing the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters lead this study to conclude four differences. Firstly, there are difference of image treatments between the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers deal with expression objects symbolically. However, Chinese designers deal with expression objects directly. This difference stems from their cultural difference. Koreans are good at analysis and synthesis and Chinese attach great importance to visual and actuality.Secondly, there are difference between the layouts of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used vertical layout but Chinese designers used horizontal layout. Koreans have the will to overcome their geographical delimitation. However, Chinese have the wisdom of interpopulational coexistence and continentalism.Thirdly, there are difference between the typography of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used san serif typeface and write English only. Chinese designers write Chines character and English together. It is because of their cultural difference. Although Koreans stick to orthodoxy, Chinese have the self-esteem for their culture.Finally, there are difference between colour usage of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used Obang-saek (five Korean traditional colours) and various neutral colours. However, Chinese designers used their traditional red and yellow colours in a wide area aggressively. Koreans lay emphasis on the harmony with nature and persuade other people emotionally. Chinese lay emphasis on the civilization rather than race and persuade other people directly.The contents of this study could provide useful and practical information to visual culture producer and consumer of two countries.
Korea and China have political, economical, cultural and artistic similarities based on long period of exchange. Nevertheless these two countries have maintained different political system and passed different way since 1950's.Korea have understood modern design on account of western countries and China have been understanding global culture owing to their government's reforming and opening policy since 1980.The Olympic Game is not only the world's biggest sports events but also the stage that can show off host country's culture, tradition and arts. While two countries were in similar situation when they host the Olympic Games, there are 20 years time gap between the 1988 Seoul Olympic and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Both countries were in the period of open and industrialization and started to realize their own cultural value.The purpose of this study is to understand cultural difference of two countries and find the way of it's practical use by comparing and analyzing the Seoul and Beijing official Olympic posters.The poster is the medium that spread massive images from practical information to implicative contents to unspecified people. The poster is the mirror that reflects the era and have told us where we are by expressing last century's crucial social change with sensuous visual language.The expression way of modern poster design is changing multidirectionally such as various techniques and conceptual conversion.Designers are anguishing and endeavoring how to implant vitality and express their own culture and tradition freshly at the Olympic posters.Comparing and analyzing the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters lead this study to conclude four differences. Firstly, there are difference of image treatments between the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers deal with expression objects symbolically. However, Chinese designers deal with expression objects directly. This difference stems from their cultural difference. Koreans are good at analysis and synthesis and Chinese attach great importance to visual and actuality.Secondly, there are difference between the layouts of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used vertical layout but Chinese designers used horizontal layout. Koreans have the will to overcome their geographical delimitation. However, Chinese have the wisdom of interpopulational coexistence and continentalism.Thirdly, there are difference between the typography of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used san serif typeface and write English only. Chinese designers write Chines character and English together. It is because of their cultural difference. Although Koreans stick to orthodoxy, Chinese have the self-esteem for their culture.Finally, there are difference between colour usage of the Seoul and Beijing Olympic posters. Korean designers used Obang-saek (five Korean traditional colours) and various neutral colours. However, Chinese designers used their traditional red and yellow colours in a wide area aggressively. Koreans lay emphasis on the harmony with nature and persuade other people emotionally. Chinese lay emphasis on the civilization rather than race and persuade other people directly.The contents of this study could provide useful and practical information to visual culture producer and consumer of two countries.