
한국프랜차이즈 기업의 성공요인에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Success factors of Franchising Firms in Korea
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Franchising Firm
This paper investigates the success factors of franchise firms in Korea and suggests the basic information for governmental policy and business management. Theoretical review is done for this research and find the variables for success model for franchising.Research findings are following. First, the most important factors for franchising success are the size and volume of the franchisor and business history or operating period. The size and period are positive factors for franchising success in Korea.Second, open system for business management, competitive power of business, and successive supporting to franchisee are positive factors for franchisor's success. The failure rate of the franchisee depends on the satisfaction rate of franchisee. The rate of direct operating stores influences the growth rate of franchising.Third, success factors are different according to the business types.Findings of this paper contributes for design of government policy - certificates for best franchising, prize and fund supporting from government.Finally, the findings are elaborated from other re-applied or empirical studies and are developed to franchise success model in Korea.