
Diagnosis and Treatment Approach of Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in A Tertiary Center: Medical Cost Analysis/Ucuncu Basamak Bir Merkezde Akut Gastroenteritli Cocuklara Tani ve Tedavi Yaklasimi: Tibbi Maliyet Analizi
Document Type
Academic Journal
The Journal of Current Pediatrics. August, 2023, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p114, 5 p.
Children -- Diseases
Medical care, Cost of -- Economic aspects -- Health aspects -- Analysis
Gastroenteritis -- Health aspects -- Economic aspects -- Analysis
Introduction: Although there are well defined guidelines in the literature for diagnosis and treatment of acute gastroenteritis which is common diseases in children, most of time patients are not managed according to these guidelines and unnecessary tests and treatments are performed. The unnecessary tests and treatments costs account for a significant percentage of healthcare spending. We aimed to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic cost of patients with acute gastroenteritis who admitted to the tertiary center in Turkey. Materials and Methods: A total of 342 patients, aged under 18 years were admitted to Gazi University Hospital and diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis were included to the study. The clinical features, diagnosis and treatment approach and medical costs of the patients were recorded and analyzed. The medical costs were calculated according to the bills which were sent to Social Security Foundation known as SGK. Results: According to the bills which were sent to SGK the mean total cost was calculated $22.99 [+ or -] 13.40, the mean laboratory test cost was $11.14 [+ or -] 9.72 and the mean cost of the treatment in the hospital was $2.64 [+ or -] 6.21. 70% of testing cost and 90% of treatment cost were inappropriate according to the current guideline recommendation about diagnose and treatment of acute gastroenteritis. Conclusion: Health professionals, especially pediatricians, should aim to apply appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, taking into account current guidelines. In this way, it will be possible to reduce medical costs and avoid waste in acute gastroenteritis cases. Keywords Acute gastroenteritis, cost analysis, diagnosis-treatment approach Giris: Cocuklarda sik gorulen bir hastalik olan akut gastroenteritin tani ve tedavisi icin literaturde iyi tanimlanmis kilavuzlar olmasina ragmen cogu zaman hastalar bu kilavuzlara gore yonetilmemekte ve gereksiz tetkik ve tedaviler uygulanmaktadir. Gereksiz test ve tedavi maliyetleri, saglik harcamalarinin onemli bir yuzdesini olusturmaktadir. Turkiye'de ucuncu basamak bir merkeze basvuran akut gastroenteritli hastalarin tani ve tedavi maliyetlerini analiz etmeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya Gazi Universitesi Hastanesi'ne basvuran ve akut gastroenterit tanisi alan 18 yas alti toplam 342 hasta alindi. Hastalarin klinik ozellikleri, tani ve tedavi yaklasimlari ve tibbi maliyetleri kayit altina alinarak analiz edildi. Tibbi maliyetler, SGK olarak bilinen Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu'na gonderilen faturalara gore hesaplandi. Bulgular: SGK'ya gonderilen faturalara gore toplam maliyet ortalamasi $22,99 [+ or -] 13,40, laboratuvar test maliyet ortalamas? $11,14 [+ or -] 9,72 ve hastanede tedavi maliyeti ortalamasi $2,64 [+ or -] 6,21 olarak hesapland?. Akut gastroenterit tani ve tedavisi ile ilgili guncel kilavuz onerilerine gore test maliyetinin %70'i ve tedavi maliyetinin %90'i uygunsuz bulundu. Sonuc: Saglik profesyonelleri, ozellikle cocuk doktorlari, guncel kilavuzlari dikkate alarak uygun tani ve tedavi yaklasimlarini uygulamayi hedeflemelidir. Bu sayede akut gastroenterit olgularinda tibbi maliyetlerin dusurulmesi ve gereksiz harcamalarin onlenmesi mumkundur. Anahtar kelimeler Akut ishal, maliyet analizi, tani-tedavi yaklasimi
Introduction The diarrheal diseases are a major public health problem all over the world. Acute gastroenteritis is generally defined as a decrease in the consistency of stools (loose or liquid) [...]