
Successful fractionated undiluted doses of COVID‐19 vaccine in five cases of suspected allergic reactions to the first dose
Document Type
Clinical Case Reports. October 2022, Vol. 10 Issue 10
Pfizer Inc.
Health aspects
COVID-19 vaccines -- Health aspects
Vaccination -- Health aspects
COVID-19 -- Health aspects
RNA -- Health aspects
Allergy -- Health aspects
Antihistamines -- Health aspects
Allergic reaction -- Health aspects
INTRODUCTION Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID‐19), the implementation of public health practices and administration of the complete vaccination cycle helped to prevent the infection spread.[sup.1] Anaphylactic reactions, [...]
: After a suspected allergic reaction to first dose of mRNA COVID‐19 vaccine, given the PEG skin tests negativity and tolerance in vivo to PEG containing drugs, five patients were vaccinated with the second dose of Pfizer‐Biontech undergoing a fractional protocol, with antihistamine premedication, without presenting immediate or delayed reactions.