
Serum Lipoprotein(a) Level In Subjects With Ischemic Heart Disease Carrying Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Rs6415084 Of LPA Gene
Document Type
Academic Journal
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. May 24, 2022, Vol. 36 Issue S1, , S81, p1 p.
Coronary heart disease -- Genetic aspects
Single nucleotide polymorphisms -- Genetic aspects
Lipoprotein A
Myocardial ischemia -- Genetic aspects
Genetic aspects
Objective : This cross sectional study was aimed to estimate serum lipoprotein(a) level among subjects with Ischemic Heart disease carrying SNP rs 6415084 and to find correlation between serum lipoprotein(a) level and severity of Ischemic heart disease(IHD) determined by SYNTAX score. Methodology--Total of 100 subjects with angiographically proven IHD were recruited for this cross sectional study. Based on SYNTAX score subjects were classified into mild(22)(N=24). Serum Fipoprotein(a) level was estimated by using Immunoturbidometric method. Severity of Ischemic Heart disease was determined by SYNTAX score. SNP genotyping assay among IHD subjects was performed by Real time PCR method by using Taqman genotyping assay kit. Results- The Median Lp(a) level of all subjects was 15.2mg/dF (7.3-26.7) Severe subjects had higher Median Lp(a) level(18.9mg/dF (12.3-24.4) compared to mild subjects (13.7mg/dL(6.6-18.6). Out of 100 study subjects, 38 subjects had C/T genotype, 17 had CC genotype 15 had TT genotype and 30 subjects did not carry any genotype (undetermined). Subjects carrying TT genotype had a slightly higher median Lp(a) level[22.6mg/dF(11.1-45.3)] compared to subjects carrying CC [19.4mg/dF(17-31.2)]and CT genotype[20.05(11.3-28.9)]. Conclusion- Severe subjects had higher Lp(a) level compared to mild subjects. There was no significant correlation between Lp(a) and SYNTAX score among severe group. Positive correlation between Lp(a) and SYNTAX score was observed only among female mild group. Subjects carrying homozygous allele(TT) had slightly higher median Lp(a) level compared to subjects carrying heterozygous(CT) population. Keywords: Fipoprotein(a), Coronary artery disease, Single nucleotide polymorphism, SYNTAX score
PP-36 Vineet Kulkarni (a), Sukanya Shetty (a), Anirban Chakraborty (b), Subramanyam (c), Prakash Patil (d) Roopa Bhandary (a) (a) Department of Biochemistry, KS Hegde Medical Academy, (b) Nitte University Center [...]