
Stages of behavioral change for physical activity in high school students: prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors
Document Type
Author abstract
Perceptual and Motor Skills. Oct, 2016, Vol. 123 Issue 2, p526, 17 p.
Exercise -- Psychological aspects
High school students -- Behavior
High school students -- Physiological aspects
Health behavior -- Statistics
Psychology and mental health
The aim was to estimate the prevalence of stages of change for physical activity and associated sociodemographic factors in students. The sample consisted of 942 students (44.7% males, 55.3% females; mean age = 16.1 years, SD = 1.1) in southern Brazil. Self-administered questionnaire was applied to identify stages of behavioral change for physical activity and sociodemographic variables (gender, age, maternal schooling, economic status, and school shift). Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratio (95%). Results showed that 9.6% were in the pre-contemplation stage, 18.4% in the contemplation, 17.6% in the preparation, 14.3% in the action, and 39.6% in the maintenance stages. Girls and adolescents with lower economic status were more likely to be at stages of behavioral risk. Students whose mothers had high education were more likely to be in the action stage. Keywords Exercise behavior, health behaviors, exercise self-efficacy, exercise stages of change, exercise motivation DOI: 10.1177/0031512516667694