
Increased diffusion of soluble adhesion molecules in meningitis, severe sepsis and systemic inflammatory response without neurological infection is associated with intrathecal shedding in cases of meningitis
Document Type
Clinical report
Author abstract
Intensive Care Medicine. May 2004, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p867, 8 p.
Objective Sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) result in the release in plasma of inflammatory cytokines and soluble forms of adhesion molecules in relation to endothelial activation. This study was designed to compare cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of adhesion molecules in meningitis and SIRS without neurological infection and to evaluate in meningitis whether they originate from passive diffusion through damaged blood--CSF barrier or from local production. Design Prospective observational study. Setting University hospital medical intensive care unit. Patients Nineteen patients with meningitis and 41 patients with sepsis or SIRS without cerebrospinal infection consecutively admitted to the critical care unit over an 18-month period. Interventions Soluble forms of adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectin) and cytokines (interleukin (IL)-1[beta] and TNF-[alpha]) were measured in paired CSF and blood samples. Results Serum concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules and cytokines were increased in the two groups, without significant differences. The CSF concentrations were elevated in both cases, whereas patients with meningitis demonstrated significantly higher CSF concentrations of soluble ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectin, and TNF-[alpha] (p Conclusions The CSF soluble adhesion molecules are increased in sepsis, SIRS and meningitis. In meningitis, the correlation between CSF and serum concentrations of adhesion molecules and the presence of a discrepancy of CSF/serum ratios for molecules of the same molecular weight may suggest intrathecal shedding in addition to diffusion through blood--CSF barrier.