
A case of cervical kyphosis after a minor trauma
Document Type
Author abstract
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. Jan, 2008, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p9, 5 p.
We have experienced a case of 10-years-old boy who had cervical kyphosis after a minor trauma. On April 4th in 2004, he felt "cervical click" when leaning on the sofa with his neck over-flexed to watch TV at his home. Just after this episode, he had neck pain. He came to our hospital for fixed flexed neck position and severe neck pain on April 8th. His neck was fixed in remarkably flexed position without rotation. In cervical X-ray photograph, the C2--C7 kyphotic angle was 44deg. The atlanto-axial rotatory fixation (AARF) did not exist on cervical CT although there was slight asymmetry of atlanto-dental intervals in open mouth view. MRI of his cervical spine showed no abnormal findings about spinal cord and spinal canal although signal intensity of disc from C2 to C6 was low in T2WI. He took rest on the bed all day and received Glisson's traction of 2 kg for 4 days after admission. After 3 days, his neck pain disappeared and cervical posture became normal. AARF is known as a cervical deformity, which is caused after trivial force. Our cervical kyphosis is much similar to AARF in the clinical pictures. Abstract (French): Les auteurs ont traite un enfant de 10 ans porteur d'une cyphose cervicale apres un traumatisme mineur. Le 4 avril 2004, il ressentit un [much less than] clic [much greater than] cervical alors qu'il etait appuye sur un sofa avec le cou en hyperflexion pour suivre une emission de television a domicile. Juste apres cet episode, il souffrit de nucalgies. Il fut admis dans notre hopital le 8 avril avec un torticolis en flexion et d'importantes cervicalgies. Les radiographies montraient un angle cyphotique C2--C7 de 44deg. Le scanner ne retrouvait pas de luxation fixee atlanto-axiale rotatoire (AARF) malgre une asymetrie legere des intervalles atlanto-odontoidien sur le cliche de face bouche ouverte. L'IRM cervicale ne retrouvait aucune anomalie de la moelle ni du canal cervicale, malgre un hypersignal des disques entre C2 et C6 et un hyposignal en T2. L'enfant resta alite avec une traction par fronde de Glisson de 2 kg pendant 4 jours. Apres 3 jours, la nucalgie disparut et la statique cervicale redevint normale. La deformation AARF est reputee s'installer au rachis cervical pour des efforts minimes. Notre cas de cyphose cervicale peut etre assimile a l'AARF quant a son tableau clinique.