
Archaeological excavation report, 02E1145 Towlaght 1, County Meath.
Document Type
The site was identified during test trenching in advance of development. An area of land measuring c.100m by c.50m was stripped of topsoil and the features exposed were identified as relating to two distinct periods of activity. Area 1 contained an enclosure ditch with complex entrance arrangements. The enclosure ditch contained no more than a natural depression which had a peat deposit within it and which would have probably formed a shallow pond even into recent times. The associated finds would indicate a date of c.1700 AD. Area 2 contained another natural depression again with peat deposits and the remains of a fulacht fiadh, which had been badly disrupted by deep ploughing. The pond would have been an obvious location for such a feature. Although dated examples of fulachta fiadh span a considerable time scale and their usage is still debated, they are generally considered to be cooking and/or washing areas and their date is frequently found to be within the Bronze Age. An isolated pit, possible bowl hearth, provided the only radiocarbon dating for this site with a date of AD720-740, within the Early Christian period.