
법우 송재섭 승무의 시지정무형문화재 가치 연구
A Study on the Value of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Seungmu of Beopwoo Song Jae-seop
Document Type
연기예술연구, 11/30/2023, Vol. 32, p. 281-294
문화재 가치
Beop woosong Jaeseop
City-designated intangible cultural asset
Cultural asset value
The purpose of this study is to examine the value of Seungmu as an intangible cultural asset through the life and dance of Beopwoo Song Jae-seop at a time when various value assessments of Seungmu, a city-designated intangible cultural asset of Daejeon, have become more urgent for the preservation and development of sustainable cultural heritage. Furthermore, it is meaningful in providing basic data for the revitalization of Seungmu, a traditional Korean dance. The designation of Beopwoo Song Jae-seop Seungmu as an intangible cultural asset was an opportunity to bring about a new change in the history of traditional dance in Daejeon Metropolitan City. Based on this study, I would like to make several suggestions. First, it is necessary to continue to conduct extensive research on Beopwoo Song Jae-seop's traditional dance based on this research. Second, since the transmission of tradition today is not done orally, but through objective records and data, it seems necessary to accumulate research on the cultural value of Beopwoo Song Jae-seop's dance world. Third, efforts should be made to increase the value of city-designated intangible cultural assets, expand the environment for their transmission, and expand opportunities for citizens to enjoy quality culture through various uses of city-designated cultural assets. Fourth, for the transmission and development of cultural heritage, the accumulation and documentation of a lot of research is of utmost importance, and support for professional manpower is necessary so that intangible cultural assets can be managed systematically. Lastly, it is necessary to develop intangible cultural assets into local cultural brands so that they can become cultural businesses, and to revitalize tourism by inserting images into products as local specialized products to promote the region.