
비대면 스포츠관광 산업진흥을 위한 정책요인의 우선순위에 관한 연구
A Study on Priority Estimation of Policy Factors for Contactless Sports Tourism Industrial Promotion
Document Type
관광진흥연구, 12/30/2022, Vol. 10, p. 1-22
비대면 스포츠관광
4차 산업혁명
우선순위 산정
Contactless Sports Tourism Industrial Promotion
Policy Factor
Priority Estimation
This study aims to draw policy factors for contactless sports tourism industrial promotion and estimate their priorities. This study performed a literature study to attain its goal and drew policy factors for contactless sports tourism industrial promotion. A priority estimation diagram was developed through four experts’ detail evaluation, which priority estimation conducted through 15 experts. The conclusions are as follows: First, regarding hierarchy 1’s relative importance, R&D should be considered first because R&D, administrative support, and infrastructure construction were estimated in such order. Second, the relative importance of R&D’s sub-hierarchy was estimated in the order of technology support research, law/system planning research, and basic research; therefore, technology support research should be considered first. Third, the relative importance of administrative support’s sub-hierarchy was estimated in the order of budget support, industrial support, and recognition improvement, so budget support needs to be considered first. Fourth, the relative importance of infrastructure construction’s sub-hierarchy was estimated in the order of content development, hardware infrastructure, and professional manpower fostering; therefore, content development needs to be considered first of all. The study results have significance in that the policy factors for contactless sports tourism industrial promotion were hierarchized, an analysis was performed centered on imperativeness and timeliness, and the keynote of policy to be enforced in priority was presented.