
거룩한 예배일로서 ‘주일’ 개념과 주일예배신학의 시금석 제언
The Concept of “Sunday” as a Holy Day of Worship and a Touchstone Proposal for the Theology of Sunday Worship
Document Type
복음과 실천신학, 02/20/2021, Vol. 58, p. 116-157
거룩한 예배일
주일예배신학의 시금석
비대면 예배
Sunday Worship
Holy Worship Day
the Touchstone of Sunday Worship Theology
Non-face-to-face Worship
Recently, Sunday worship services in Korean churches are conducting two-way worship services such as gathering services and non-face-toface online services due to the COVID19 situation. However, the index of dissatisfaction with non-face-to-face worship is increasing. Without sufficient biblical and theological consideration for non-face-to-face worship, only the method of worship appropriate to the church situation is in haste and is being implemented. As a result, the essence of worship, especially the concept of “Sunday” as a holy day of worship, is causing confusion that rapidly collapses. The weakening of Sunday worship is highly likely to seriously undermine the status of the Christian identity and the purpose of the church. Therefore, this study started with the need to re-recognize the concept of Sunday and theological reflection for the execution of Sunday worship before discussing the method of worship in the COVID19 situation. First, in order to examine the subject of this study, the historical view and position of the concept of ‘Sunday’ and the relationship between the Sabbath and Sunday were examined, and the settlement process of Sunday as a holy worship day was developed through theological and historical methodology. Afterwards, the status of Sunday worship services for non-face-to-face online worship was reviewed. Finally, I suggested seven theological touchstones for the practice of Sunday worship. There are two main points that were recognizable through this study. First, Sunday is a Christian Sabbath and a holy worship day that must be clearly distinguished from other days. The replacement of Sunday worship on other days or days of the week without sufficient theological reflection can be a factor that weakens Sunday worship. Second, Sunday worship should sufficiently reflect the touchstone of Sunday worship theology, which should not be overlooked despite meeting worship, non-face-to-face, and time and space circumstances. The seven touchstones of Sunday Worship Theology will provide the soil needed to prepare and execute the Sunday Worship Rite.