
테러양상 변화에 따른 테러방지법 개정에 관한 연구
A Study on the Revision of the Anti-Terrorism Act in Preparation for the Recent Terrorism - Focused on Incompleteness of the Law
Document Type
시큐리티 연구, 06/30/2020, Vol. 63, p. 219-238
대테러작전부대 출동시기
감염병 테러
Anti-Terrorism Act
Military Counter-Terrorism Operations Unit
Time for Gun Use
The purpose of this study is to suggest an effective crisis management system for terrorism response by suggesting the need to improve the anti-terrorism law in order to effectively respond to new terrorism patterns that are becoming an issue worldwide. To this end, we intend to establish effective operation procedures based on laws by specifically reflecting the expansion of the concept of terrorism of infectious diseases such as Corona 19, the dispatch time, the suppression operation procedure, and the time of use of weapons between military and military counterterrorism operations, which are key agencies of counterterrorism response. After experiencing recent terrorist attacks, the United States and Europe have established a strongly unified response mechanism that can respond to the first time in Golden Time. In particular, in order to strengthen the military and military integration response capabilities, France, Britain, etc. are concentrating on the core internal and external facilities of the main urban terrorist target targets to prevent terrorism and carry out early response activities. The UK has fully carried out its initial response to the London subway terrorism through the operation of a civil, government and government integrated terrorism preparedness system through a terrorist countermeasure meeting called the CoBRA. In order to respond to the terrorist threats directly or indirectly linked to North Korea, Korea should improve the procedures for dispatching military counter-terrorism commandos presented in the Anti-Terrorism Act and the requirements for the establishment of the counter-terrorism headquarters and the field command headquarters in response to simultaneous terrorism. As a research method for this, the current anti-terrorism law analyzed the national counterterrorism system and identified the problems. In addition, in order to effectively respond to serious terrorist aspects such as simultaneous and complex terrorism, the role of the military should be strengthened.