
초등 진로교육 연구동향 : 언어 네트워크 분석을 활용하여
Research Trends of the Career Education in Elementary School : Using Semantic Network Analysis
Document Type
실과교육연구, 11/30/2017, Vol. 23, Issue 4, p. 165-183
초등 진로교육
언어 네트워크 분석
Career Education in Elementary School
Research Trends
Semantic Network Analysis
The purpose of this study was to research trends of the career education in elementary School. To accomplish the purpose of this study, we analyzed articles, dissertations by 2017, extracted key words, and analyzed frequency and semantic network analysis. The following conclusion was derived according to the major outcomes of the study. First, the number of research has been increasing steadily. Second, elementary school students showed the highest frequency as a result of analyzing the keywords presented in the abstract of the paper, followed by career maturity, career recognition, elementary school, career education, career education program. Third, result of the analysis of connection centrality, highest frequency as a result of analyzing the keywords are the highest concatenated centralism. Fourth, 94 keywords with high connection centric among the research keywords, keywords of high frequency values, or central values were centrally located, keywords has high degree of connectivity and a large number of connections. Fifth, as a result of analyzing structural equivalence, cluster between keywords was clearly divided and uneven.