항공서비스 기업의 CSR메시지가 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 메시지 특성과 항공사 유형 간의 상호작용효과를 중심으로
A Study on the Effects of CSR Messages of an Airline Company on Consumer Attitude : Focusing on the Focusing on the Interactive Effects of Types of Airlines & Messages
A Study on the Effects of CSR Messages of an Airline Company on Consumer Attitude : Focusing on the Focusing on the Interactive Effects of Types of Airlines & Messages
Document Type
전문경영인연구, 08/31/2017, Vol. 20, Issue 2, p. 147-165
In order to delve into the complexity of the effect of CSR messages of an airline company, this study intends to compare consumer attitudes toward the company between full-service carriers(FSC) and low-cost carriers(LCC). Two separate 2x2 between-subject designs were employed to examine the moderating effects of an airline type on the relationship between messages types (emotional vs. rational message; promotion-focused vs. preventionfocused message) and company attitude. The results from two separate experiments with a sample of 424 participants show that consumer attitudes toward the company were more favorable when exposed to emotional messages of CSR campaign. However, when the effect was compared between FSC and LCC, a difference was found between them. While emotional messages were found to be more effective for FSC, rational messages created a more favorable attitudes for LCC. A similar results was found in case of regulatory focused messages. That is, promotion-focused messages were found to be more effective for FSC while prevention-focused messages created a more favorable attitudes for LCC. Practical implications of these findings are discussed along with theoretical ones.