
국내 대규모 자연재해상황과 그 대책으로서의 방재설계
Massive Natural Disaster Situations and the Design of Disaster Prevention as the Measure in South Korea
Document Type
대한건축학회연합논문집, 02/28/2017, Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 329-336
Natural Disaster
Earthquake Proof
Climate Change
Centralization of Population
The purpose of this study is to access an earthquake damage risk that may happen due to climate change by evaluating earthquake damage trends of the nation and other countries. The study also evaluates the earthquake-readiness of domestic structures and then it is compared it to case of developed countries to determine an improvement plan that may be used for earthquake-damage mitigation design process.Recently, there was a lot of earthquakes in South Korea due to the climate changes. On September 12, 2016, the earthquake that struck Gyeongju magnitude of 5.8 on the Richter scale. It is the strongest earthquake in 38 years and more than 500 aftershocks have been recorded. Some people have been concerned that aftershocks could cause serious damage in South Korea.Less than 33 percentage of the 1,439,549 buildings that are subject to the regulation in South Korea are earthquake proof. It is 6.5 percentage of the total building in South Korea.It becomes a great concern that South Korea is no longer safe from as series of subsequent earthquakes occur, and an earthquake-resistant design was accepted right after the Mexico earthquake in 1985, awakened the people to the dangers of earthquakes. Though it has contributed to protect life and property of the people. they calls for swifter emergency measures against natural disasters to avoid a similar fate to that of Haiti, the worst earthquake in history. In order to establish concepts and technologies to fit for our environment, a consistent research has to be developed to improve system also need to make our own ideas without fear of failure. The centralization of population needs more or less cheap row houses. But they are vulnerable to lateral forces of seismic force. If left as-is, there may be a risk of great accidents whenever an earthquake comes. So this is exactly time to check natural disaster response system and to come up with some proper countermeasures.