
해비타트 III 「새로운 도시의제(New Urban Agenda)」의 성립배경과 의의
Understanding the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III: Background, Features and Implications for Korean Cities
Document Type
공간과 사회, 12/31/2016, Vol. 58, p. 9-39
해비타트 III
유엔 해비타트
새로운 도시의제
도시에 대한 권리
제인 제이콥스
지속가능한 도시발전
Habitat III
UN Habitat
New Urban Agenda
The Right to the City
Jane Jacobs
Sustainable Urban Development
Habitat III, formally the 3rd United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, finalized amid much fanfare in 20th Oct. 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, and member states reached an agreement over adoption of the New Urban Agenda(NUA) as an urban policy guideline for international community in coming 20 years. At this backdrop, this paper examines how the NUA has been emerged within the UN system and what it means to urban policies and studies in South Korea. First, the paper traces the history of UN Habitat to understand how urban agenda emerged and established in the UN system before coming up with the NUA. Second, it analyzes the theoretical aspect of the NUA from the lens of ‘the right to the city’and ‘Jane Jacobs’, which, I believe, are the key supporting theoretical resources of the document. Last but not least, the paper, by reflecting the NUA, discusses the directions of the development in urban policy and studies in South Korea.