R&D역량 및 내부역량이 기업성과에 미치는 영향 - 이노비즈기업을 중심으로
The Effects of R&D Capability & Internal Competence on Corporate Performance - A Special Emphasis on Inno-Biz Corporations
The Effects of R&D Capability & Internal Competence on Corporate Performance - A Special Emphasis on Inno-Biz Corporations
Document Type
상업경영연구(구 상업교육연구), 02/28/2015, Vol. 29, Issue 1, p. 95-122
This study is going to practically clarify the effects of the R&D capability and internal competence of Inno-Biz corporations on corporate performance and in addition, take a close look at whether the effect size of R&D capability and internal competence on corporate performance can be changed according to the differences by the benefit levels of government R&D supports. For this clarification, SPSS Ver. 18.0 Statistical Package was used and furthermore, in order to perform structural equation model analysis for confirmatory factory analysis, correlational analysis and hypothesis testing, AMOS Ver. 18.0 Statistical Package was used for analysis. As a result, the hypotheses that clarified the relations between R&D capability and corporate performance, and internal competence and corporate performance were partially adopted and moreover, the hypotheses that clarified the relations R&D capability with the moderating variable of the differences of the benefit levels of government R&D supports and corporate performance of internal competence were partially adopted as well. First, it showed that among R&DR&D capabilities, R&D intensity positively influenced BSC financial and nonfinancial performance and R&D professional rate had no influence at all on corporate performance. Second, the integration and control ability out of internal competence positively influenced corporate performance but because technical support had positive influence only on BSC nonfinancial performance and had no influence on technical innovation performance and BSC financial performance, it was rejected. At last, based on the variables adopted in hypothesis 1 and 2, it was confirmed that the effects of R&D capability or internal competence of Inno-Biz corporations on corporate performance was different in size according to the differences of the benefit levels of government R&D supports. Namely, it was found that the govern support policy had moderating effects on corporate performance. In particular, it showed that the moderating effect of less beneficial groups from the support policy for Inno-Biz corporations was higher.