소비트렌드전문가 자격인증 교과목의 표준교육안 개발 및 발전방안 연구
A Study on the Development of Standard Syllabus and Improvement Plan for Consumption Trend Expert Certification
A Study on the Development of Standard Syllabus and Improvement Plan for Consumption Trend Expert Certification
Document Type
소비자정책교육연구, 03/30/2014, Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 109-132
Korean Association of Consumer Professional(KCOP) introduced Consumption Trend Expert (CTE) certification to meet the needs of consumption society in 2012. Since KCOP has started to issue CTE certification to students of consumer science major. A total of 185 students got certified CTE up to date. The purpose of this study is to develop standard syllabus and to make improvement plan for CTE certification through questionnaire survey with experts in company and academia. This study could be used basic research to stabilize this certification program. We developed standard syllabuses for essential subjects of CTE certification through questionnaire survey with experts in company and academia about the standard syllabuses that developed with reference of syllabuses of consumer science related departments across the country. We deduced improvement plan of CTE certification on the analysis of suitability and validity of definition, certification requirements of CTE. We made a conclusion that subject has to be deleted in the essential subjects list of CTE certification. We suggested a subject as a replacement subject of . We concluded that Subjects such as , , should be erased in optional subjects list for lack of the fitness of CTE. We draw a conclusion that it would not be admitted to overlap with work experience of Consumer Expert certification to promote practical business capability of an acquisitor of CTE certification.The officially accepted departments of work experience for CTE certification would be confined to departments related to consumer behavior analysis, product planning, consumer research, etc over a period of a year or two.