소비자의 친환경소비 및 친환경정보 요구도에 관한 연구
A Study on Eco-friendly Consumption and Eco-friendly Information Needs of Consumers
A Study on Eco-friendly Consumption and Eco-friendly Information Needs of Consumers
Document Type
소비자정책교육연구, 12/30/2013, Vol. 9, Issue 4, p. 107-134
Sufficient and correct eco-friendly information should be offered and consumer’s capability for understanding and judge the eco-friendly information should be prepared in order to progress to eco- friendly consumption through consumer’s rational decision making. So this study planned to investigate the eco-friendly information needs of consumers based on the exploration of eco-friendly consumption and eco-friendly information use of consumers. For this study, survey was conducted targeting 500 over 20 years old consumer. The result of this study are as follows. First, the level of concern and practice of eco-friendly consumption of those surveyed were relatively high having average score respectively 3.93, 3.78(5-likert score). Second, the level of eco-friendly knowledge of those surveyed was 2.53 being behind median score 3.0. Especially the level of knowledge of organic agricultural products, chemical free, and energy conservation mark were very low. Third, the level of eco-friendly information use and perception of difficulty in eco-friendly information use were respectively 3.29, 3.44(5-likert score). Fourth, the eco- friendly information needs of those surveyed were very high having over 4 score in every 5 sub-category of eco-friendly information needs. Fifth, balanced green consumer group and high concern/not practice consumer were extracted through the classification according to the concern and practice of eco-friendly consumption. These two group were different in eco-friendly knowledge, eco-friendly information use, perception of difficulty in eco-friendly information use, and eco-friendly information needs. Sixth, eco- friendly knowledge did not have an effect on the eco-friendly information use. These results proposed that the information policy should be offered focused on not quantity but accuracy of information for the invigoration of eco-friendly consumption. Also the eco-friendly information policy should be offered focused on the understanding, acceptancy, and practice of eco-friendly information of consumers.