
홀리스틱 음악태교를 위한 학부모의 음악태교 관심도 조사연구
Research and Analysis of Mothers' Interests in Holistic Prenatal Music Education
Document Type
홀리스틱융합교육연구, 04/30/2013, Vol. 17, Issue 1, p. 87-104
영유아 음악교육
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prenatal music education
early child music education
hearing and listening
This study examined prenatal music education performed my mothers who currently provide their children the early childhood music education to develop proper understanding of prenatal music education and spread effective methods. 52.6% of the subjects performed prenatal music education three times or more a week during their pregnancy, reaching the majority. The type of music most often used was Classical music, with 57.5%. As for the hypothesis, “mothers of young children would differ geographically in terms of the importance of prenatal music education, frequency and duration of prenatal music education and the type of music’, significant differences were not found geographically. However, ‘important’ and ‘very important’ were found to be 93.2%. This showed that the level of understanding for the importance of prenatal music education was high, but the practice of prenatal music education was rare. Also the study observed the relationship between the perspective of parents about music education they provide to their young children and the level of understanding on prenatal education. The group who regarded early childhood music education as a way of developing character and improving quality of life performed prenatal music education more often during their pregnancy compared to the group who regarded music education as a play activity. It is imperative the government and relevant organizations provide educational opportunities so that music education can play a crucial role in brain development and personality development from the prenatal period to the early childhood