
Automated Library System Mobile Robot using A-Star Algorithms
Document Type
2022 International Electronics Symposium (IES) Electronics Symposium (IES), 2022 International. :355-360 Aug, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Heuristic algorithms
Mobile robots
Information technology
mobile robot
A-Star algorithm
Currently, libraries have realized many aspects of information technology such as book purchases, book collections, RFID, databases and other technologies that improve library management and service levels. One of the technologies used is library robots. Library robots are the integration of automation and information in daily library applications, which can increase the level of library automation. One of the automation systems that need to be applied in the library management system is a robotics system that can arrange books into bookshelf automatically in order to facilitate an automatic and structured book return system. An example is in a library where books must be arranged according to category or title, so that readers can easily find books. But if someone has finished reading a book, sometimes someone forget to put the book back in its place. Placing books in the wrong place can make it difficult for someone to find the book, this will also increase the work of the librarian. For this reason, library management system need an automated mobile robot system to solve the above problem using RFID to recognize book title and A-Star Algorithm to mobile robot move. The a-star algorithm will be used to calculate the closest path for the mobile robot when finding the location of the bookshelf to place books, so that it will shorten the time the mobile robot returns book to the bookshelf. Based on the results of the A-Star algorithm calculation in the case of finding the closest route in the library area, get accurate results and get the closest path from start to finish by considering the final result of the calculation f(n) = g(n) + h(n). Therefore, the A-Star algorithm is recommended to find the closest route calculation which in this case is used to find the fastest route in returning books to the shelves in the library.