Review on Difference Expansion based Reversible Watermarking
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2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Emerging Technology (INCET), 2022 3rd International Conference for. :1-5 May, 2022
Lossless watermarking techniques are used in sensitive areas like medicine forensic and military consignment. In it, an exact reconstruction of the cover from a watermarked image is required after the watermark extraction. The lossless or reversible watermarking schemes are varied, such as difference expansion (DE), histogram equalization, interpolation-based and predictive coding. Though different methods are present in the literature on reversible watermarking, the proposed paper reviews the evolution of DE based reversible watermarking in a structured way to analyze the developments from Tian's work to date. Algorithms in the DE are provided in addition to embedding and decoding procedures.