
The role of renewable distributed generation in California's electricity system
Document Type
2001 Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37262) Power engineering society summer meeting Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2001. 1:546-547 vol.1 2001
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Robotics and Control Systems
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Distributed control
Power generation
Distributed power generation
Renewable energy resources
Power system economics
Power generation economics
Environmental economics
Fuel economy
Load flow
Power system modeling
Rolling blackouts, escalating electricity prices, ratepayers on the verge of open revolt, and electric utilities publicly threatening bankruptcy have brought California's electricity system under intense scrutiny. It is clear that California's electricity system is in imbalance. Causes of the imbalance include slower than expected increases in generating capacity, unexpectedly high demand growth rates and insufficient electricity delivery capability. This paper describes how one of the approaches being examined to help resolve the electricity system situation is to increase generating capacity using distributed generation technologies.