A Novel Application of Spread Spectrum Technique to Reduction Radiated EMI for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
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2021 IEEE 1st International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS) Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS), 2021 IEEE 1st International. :1-6 Nov, 2021
In modern actuator technology, shape memory alloy actuator (SMAA) has the characteristics of high strain stress, high power-weight ratio, and high degree of freedom, SSMA is gradually applied in aerospace, automobile industry, robot, biological medicine, and other fields. However, high precision position control based on high-frequency pulse width modulation technology leads to the radiated EMI problem. This paper proposed a novel application of spread spectrum technique to reduce radiated EMI for SMAA, the ANSYS MAXWELL simulation of different SMA conductive circuits confirms the radiated EMI generated by the PWM modulation technology, Furthermore, through power spectral density analysis, it is concluded that random frequency modulation technology has less electromagnetic radiation interference than fixed frequency PWM modulation technology. Finally, the laboratory prototype verifies the conclusion that the method proposed in this paper has less electromagnetic radiation interference.