
Lower Leg Bone Fracture Detection and Classification Using Faster RCNN for X-Rays Images
Document Type
2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC) Multitopic Conference (INMIC), 2020 IEEE 23rd International. :1-6 Nov, 2020
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
X-ray imaging
Solid modeling
Legged locomotion
Computer science
Faster RCNN
Lower Leg bone
X-Ray images
Machine learning techniques are proven as a vital tool for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The researchers are actively exploring new technology that may strengthen the state-of-the-practice in the clinical field. Automated bone fracture detection and classification have remained one of the popular research areas. However, traditionally developed techniques for the lower leg bone fracture method have faced the problem of detecting the existence of fractures and their location of occurrence. To overcome these problems, we proposed a transfer learning, Faster R-CNN deep learning model for fracture detection and classification with Region Proposal Network (RPN). Also, we retrained the top layer of the model by using inception v2 (version2) network architecture upon 50 x-ray images. This model was trained in 40k steps and its training stopped when loss remains only 0.0005. We evaluated the proposed model concerning detection and classification. We classify bone fracture x-ray images into two classes fracture and non-fracture also locate the location of fractures with a rectangle box. The overall accuracy has achieved from this method is 94% with respect to classification and detection. Our study shows that the proposed method is simple and efficient, which is worthwhile for dynamic detection, classification of fracture, now doctors and radiologists interact with more and more patient and overcome the workload. Furthermore, this approach improves the results, the run time performance and detection quality as compared to state-of-the-art techniques.