
Progress in Europe of the Procurement of the EU ITER TF Coils
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on. 26(4):1-6 Jun, 2016
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Heat treatment
The ITER magnetic system includes 18 toroidal field (TF) coils constructed using a Nb 3 Sn cable-in-conduit superconductor. Each TF coil comprises a winding pack (WP) composed of seven double pancake (DP) modules stacked together, impregnated, and inserted into a stainless steel coil case. Ten TF coils are being produced in Europe, under the responsibility of Fusion for Energy (F4E) (the European Domestic Agency), whereas the remaining nine TF coils are being produced in Japan. F4E has implemented a procurement strategy aimed to minimize costs and risks by subdividing the procurement into three main packages, each foreseeing first an R&D and a qualification phase. One procurement package is related to the construction of 72 radial plates (RP), another to the fabrication of the ten WPs, and a third to the cold test and coil-case insertion of ten WPs. All industrial contracts have now been signed and are running. The situation as of September 2015 is as follows: 2 RP prototypes and 32 production RPs (enough for four TF coils) have been successfully (enough for four TF coils) produced and delivered to the winding pack supplier. A full-size superconducting DP prototype has been successfully fabricated and subjected to a thermal cycle at 80 K. So far, 33 DPs have been wound, 27 DPs have been heat treated, and 26 DPs have been successfully transferred into the RP grooves. The cover plate welding has been successfully completed on 18 DPs. Regarding the insertion contract, an alternative way to insert the WP inside the coil case has been devised, and the corresponding transfer tooling is being procured. The qualification for the most important manufacturing processes is underway.