
Depth-Wise Multi-Protocol Stateless Switching of Multicast Traffic
Document Type
IEEE Latin America Transactions IEEE Latin Am. Trans. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina). 11(3):941-947 May, 2013
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Silicon compounds
Virtual private networks
Multiprotocol label switching
Bloom filters
forwarding anomalies
multicast forwarding
stateless switching
In order to reduce the state due to multicast forwarding in packet switched networks a number of proposals have been studied in the literature. One recently studied approach is MPSS (Multi-Protocol Stateless Switching), in which the path (unicast) or the tree (multicast) is encoded as a Bloom filter carried by a packet header. This sort of source-routed forwarding method makes it possible to eliminate the forwarding state in network nodes. Our proposal looks into improving MPSS and at the same time solving the forwarding anomalies observed in multicast Bloom filter-based approaches. We propose to encode the multicast tree into a stack of variable-length Bloom filters representing the set of output interfaces at a given tree depth, instead of a single filter for the whole tree. We prove that our approach is more efficient than MPSS on multicast, especially in large networks, and that it reduces and binds the scope of forwarding anomalies derived from false positives: packet storms, forwarding loops and flow duplication. Furthermore, packet processing is simpler and the average header overhead is reduced.