
Image coding by folding
Document Type
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing Image processing Image Processing, 1997. Proceedings., International Conference on. 2:665-668 vol.2 1997
Signal Processing and Analysis
Computing and Processing
Image coding
Data encapsulation
Streaming media
Code standards
Bit rate
Image reconstruction
We propose an image coding algorithm which employs data hiding techniques to "fold" an image into itself. Data hiding is a process of encoding extra information into a host image by making small modifications to its pixels. In our approach, an image is split into two parts of equal size: a host image and a residual image. The residual image is compressed into a bit stream and then embedded into the host image. The host image, which is 50% of the size of the original image, is coded using standard compression techniques. The embedded data does not increase the bit rate of the coded image. As a result, one may code only 50% pixels of the original image and still have perfect reconstruction. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm has a lot of potential in image coding.