
Charged Particle Diagnostics on the Omega Laser Facility
Document Type
IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science Plasma Science, 2005. ICOPS '05. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. IEEE International Conference on. :330-330 Jun, 2005
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Nuclear Engineering
Current measurement
Particle measurements
Laser fusion
Laser theory
Plasma measurements
Magnetic cores
Diagnostic radiography
Summary form only given. We have implemented a wide variety of charged-particle diagnostics on OMEGA, including magnet-based spectrometers (CPS); wedge-range-filter-based spectrometers (WFR); proton core image system (PCIS); proton radiography; and proton temporal diagnostics (PTD). Recent work has resulted in the comprehensive measurements of spatial-, temporal- and spectral- resolved energetic charged particles emanating from various capsule implosions as well as from laser-plasma interactions. Such measurements provide information about fusion yield, ion and electron temperature, fuel and shell areal density, target compression asymmetry, and other physical parameters, and have been combined with other traditional diagnostics to study various aspects of ICF implosion physics, including implosion dynamics and target performance. Many fundamental issues related to high-energy density physics are also studied, including capsule charging due to laser-plasma interactions, and stopping power in high-temperature and high-density plasmas. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated feasibility and potential of a novel magnet-recoil-spectrometer (MRS) for measuring charged particles scattered by fusion neutrons at OMEGA and the NIF.