
A 6-Axis Force-Torque Sensor to Achieve Compliant Behavior in an Omnidirectional Mobile Platform for Wheeled Humanoid Robots
Document Type
2024 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT) Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), 2024 7th. :1-7 Nov, 2024
Robotics and Control Systems
Force measurement
Humanoid robots
Bridge circuits
Gesture recognition
Robot sensing systems
Strain measurement
Finite element analysis
Mobile robots
Compliant control
finite element analysis
force-torque sensor
human-robot interaction
omni-directional mobile platform
strain gauges
wheeled humanoid robot
This work presents the design of a multi-axis force-torque sensor based on strain gauges located on its planar surfaces (frontal and back sides) for easy installation, to measure external forces in a direct and simple way, due to physical interactions between the mobile platform of a humanoid robot and the environment (objects and humans). This is an outstanding feature, because the estimation of those interaction forces will allow the humanoid robot to execute manipulation tasks using an unusual body part (mobile platform) and to distinguish between intentional and unintentional contacts known as gesture recognition, and at the same time, guarantying a safe interaction between a wheeled humanoid robot and the environment. All the aforementioned is achieved while the mobile platform is carrying a heavy load (the upper body of the humanoid robot). The force-torque sensor was designed using a finite element analysis (FEA), and the results show that it is possible to distinguish each component of the wrench $\bar{F}$ with a low coupling, having a good isotropy and a high sensitivity, due a suitable and strategic composition of the Wheatstone bridge circuits.