Current Reference Feed Forward Control of Second Harmonic Current Suppression Applied for Single-phase Converter of Hybrid System
Document Type
2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific) Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), 2024 IEEE. :356-360 Oct, 2024
The use of second harmonic current compensator is an effective power decoupling method to suppress the second harmonic current of two-stage single-phase inverter, where the control strategy of the second harmonic current compensator is the key factor within. The current regulator in the dual closed- loop control has limited gain at the second harmonic, and it is difficult for the port current to accurately compensate for the second harmonic current. In order to improve the effectiveness of the second harmonic compensator in multi-cell hybrid systems, a compensator suitable for current reference feedforward control of fuel cell and battery hybrid system is designed. In order to significantly improve the port current compensation capability, the modulation voltage required for SHCC to fully compensate for the second harmonic current is synthesized through waveform calculation. The proposed method has good steady performance and robust stability. The design process and simulation results in this paper verify the effectiveness of the method.