
Quality Assurance of A GPT-Based Sentiment Analysis System: Adversarial Review Data Generation and Detection
Document Type
2023 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) APSEC Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 2023 30th Asia-Pacific. :450-457 Dec, 2023
Computing and Processing
Sentiment analysis
Analytical models
Quality assurance
Data integrity
Perturbation methods
Large Language Models (LLMs)
sentiment analysis
quality assurance
adversarial examples
surprise adequacy
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been garnering significant attention of AI researchers, especially following the widespread popularity of ChatGPT. However, due to LLMs' intricate architecture and vast parameters, several concerns and challenges regarding their quality assurance require to be addressed. In this paper, a fine-tuned GPT-based sentiment analysis model is first constructed and studied as the reference in AI quality analysis. Then, the quality analysis related to data adequacy is implemented, including employing the content-based approach to generate reasonable adversarial review comments as the wrongly-annotated data, and developing surprise adequacy (SA)-based techniques to detect these abnormal data. Experi-ments based on Amazon.com review data and a fine-tuned GPT model were implemented. Results were thoroughly discussed from the perspective of AI quality assurance to present the quality analysis of an LLM model on generated adversarial textual data and the effectiveness of using SA on anomaly detection in data quality assurance.