
Enhancing Archeological Building Reconstruction Through Image-Based 3D Modeling and LoFTR
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS) Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), 2023 International Conference on. :1159-1164 Nov, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Robotics and Control Systems
Solid modeling
Three-dimensional displays
Structure from motion
Feature extraction
Image reconstruction
Structure From Motion
3D Mesh
Archaeological research often relies on the meticulous reconstruction of historical structures and artifacts. However, this process is frequently hindered by the absence of detailed 3D data and the limited availability of well-preserved sites. In response to these challenges, this thesis tries to contribute in rendering the 3D structure of archaeological buildings from 2D unstructured image. In case of damage to the original buildings, its 3D model can be helpful for replication. The images from the internet are taken to train the model using Structure From Motion (SfM) based algorithms. A model named Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers (LoFTR) is utilized for local image feature matching. Ultimately, the feature points are adjusted to generate a 3D representation of the building. The key stages of structure from motion encompass feature detection and matching, outlier removal, camera pose estimation, point cloud creation, and 3D mesh generation. This reformulation method can reduce the expense and intricacy associated with traditional approaches.