Gain Improved Novel Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Microstrip Patch Antenna for the Acquisition of Bio-signals
Document Type
2023 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS) Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS), 2023 2nd International Conference on. :105-109 Dec, 2023
Aim: This work concentrates on the design a high gain novel Sierpinski carpet antenna using Rogers R04350 substrate at the 1.0 GHz to 10.0 GHz spectrum of frequency and the performance is compared with the square shaped microstrip patch antenna (MPA). Materials and Methods: The present work have involved with two groups. Group 1 refers to a novel Sierpinski carpet fractal antenna with 26 samples and Group 2 refers to square shaped microstrip patch antenna with 26 samples. With a 95% confidence interval, the G Power value is assumed as 80%, and the threshold is 0.05%. Result: The novel Sierpinski carpet antenna has attained expressively improved gain in comparison with the square shaped MPA. The Sierpinski carpet MPA has a gain of 1.4441 dB to 253.99 dB while the square shaped MPA have a gain of -0.0686 dB to -18.2725 dB. The Sierpinski carpet antenna’s best frequency for greatest gain had a significance of roughly 0.0056 at 2.0 GHz. Conclusion: This research confirms that the novel Sierpinski carpet MPA has significantly better gain than square shaped MPA in handling of bio-signals.