
An Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical Images
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on. 43(4):1476-1488 Apr, 2024
Computing and Processing
Image segmentation
Biomedical imaging
Three-dimensional displays
Task analysis
Network topology
deep learning
medical image segmentation
real order derivative
total variation
Accurate vascular segmentation from High Resolution 3-Dimensional (HR3D) medical scans is crucial for clinicians to visualize complex vasculature and diagnose related vascular diseases. However, a reliable and scalable vessel segmentation framework for HR3D scans remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a High-resolution Energy-matching Segmentation (HrEmS) framework that utilizes deep learning to directly process the entire HR3D scan and segment the vasculature to the finest level. The HrEmS framework introduces two novel components. Firstly, it uses the real-order total variation operator to construct a new loss function that guides the segmentation network to obtain the correct topology structure by matching the energy of the predicted segment to the energy of the manual label. This is different from traditional loss functions such as dice loss, which matches the pixels between predicted segment and manual label. Secondly, a curvature-based weight-correction module is developed, which directs the network to focus on crucial and complex structural parts of the vasculature instead of the easy parts. The proposed HrEmS framework was tested on three in-house multi-center datasets and three public datasets, and demonstrated improved results in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods using both topology-relevant and volumetric-relevant metrics. Furthermore, a double-blind assessment by three experienced radiologists on the critical points of the clinical diagnostic processes provided additional evidence of the superiority of the HrEmS framework.