Simulation of Medical Service Robot Based on ROS
Document Type
2023 2nd International Symposium on Control Engineering and Robotics (ISCER) ISCER Control Engineering and Robotics (ISCER), 2023 2nd International Symposium on. :262-265 Feb, 2023
For the distribution of materials in infectious disease isolation areas and the regular elimination of corridors in infected areas, it is currently mainly done manually. In order to reduce labor costs and the possibility of cross-infection, this paper proposes a medical service robot based on ROS(robot operating system). Firstly, the medical service robot system is simulated, and the establishment of the robot structure and the analysis of the kinematic model are completed. Secondly, import the built medical service robot into the Gazebo simulation platform to create a simulation environment. Then, a two-dimensional grid map of the simulated environment is constructed. Finally, the navigation simulation experiment is completed for this environment, and obstacles are added to test its obstacle avoidance ability, so that the medical service robot can complete related tasks and operations. The experimental results show that the medical service robot can complete tasks such as map construction, real-time positioning, path planning, dynamic obstacle avoidance, and fixed-point navigation in the constructed simulation environment. Thus, when equipped with different modules, the medical service robots can eventually perform tasks such as the distribution of supplies in isolation areas and the disinfection of corridors.