
Teaching cross-platform design and testing methods for embedded systems using DICE
Document Type
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Embedded Systems Education. :38-45
DICE (the DSPCAD Integrative Command Line Environment) is a package of utilities that facilitates efficient management of software projects. Key areas of emphasis in DICE are cross-platform operation, support for projects that integrate heterogeneous programming languages, and support for applying and integrating different kinds of design and testing methodologies. The package is being developed at the University of Maryland to facilitate the research and teaching of methods for implementation, testing, evolution, and revision of engineering software. The platform- and language-independent focus of DICE makes it an effective vehicle for teaching high-productivity, high-reliability methods for design and implementation of embedded systems for a variety of courses. In this paper, we provide an overview of features of DICE --- particularly as they relate to testing driven design practices --- that are useful in embedded systems education, and discuss examples and experiences of applying the tool in courses at the University of Maryland aimed at diverse groups of students --- undergraduate programming concepts for engineers, graduate VLSI architectures (aimed at research-oriented students), and graduate FPGA system design (aimed at professional Master's students).

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