
A robotic soccer passing task using petri net plans
Document Type
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: demo papers. :1711-1712
distributed execution
multi-robot plans
petri nets
This demonstration shows the implementation of a cooperative and coordinated robotic task in the soccer domain. Two Sony AIBO robots are placed on a soccer field with the task of passing a ball (Figure 1). Initially the robots search for the ball, and when they have located it, they exchange their local information about its position. This information is used to decide which robot will pass the ball (i.e. take the Passer role) and which robot will intercept it (i.e. take the Receiver role). The Passer robot reaches the ball, grabs it and turns to the Receiver. In the meanwhile, the Receiver moves to a predefined distance to the Passer. When both the Passer and Receiver robots have completed these tasks, they synchronize and execute, respectively, a pass and an intercept behavior. At the end of the execution, a final synchronization is performed. The robots exchange information about the outcome of the behavior, and they repeat the plan.

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