
Spin dynamics and possible topological magnons in non-stoichiometric pyrochlore iridate Tb$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ studied by RIXS
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
We report a resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study on a single crystal of a non-stoichiometric pyrochlore iridate Tb$_{2+x}$Ir$_{2-x}$O$_{7-y}$ ($x \simeq 0.25$) that magnetically orders at $T_{\rm{N}}\simeq 50$ K. We find that the strength of the spin-orbit coupling and the trigonal distortion of the IrO$_6$ octahedra are comparable with the ones obtained in other pyrochlore iridates. We observe a propagating gapped magnon mode at low energy, and model it using a Hamiltonian consisting of a Heisenberg exchange [$J = 16.2(9)$ meV] and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions [$D = 5.2(3)$ meV], which shows the robustness of interactions despite Tb-stuffing at the Ir-site. Strikingly, the ratio $D/J = 0.32(3)$ supports possible non-trivial topological magnon band crossing. This material may thus host coexisting fermionic and bosonic topology, with potential for manipulating electronic and magnonic topological bands thanks to the $d-f$ interaction.
Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures