
The Mean Shape under the Relative Curvature Condition
Document Type
Working Paper
Statistics - Methodology
The relative curvature condition (RCC) serves as a crucial constraint, ensuring the avoidance of self-intersection problems in calculating the mean shape over a sample of swept regions. By considering the RCC, this work discusses estimating the mean shape for a class of swept regions called elliptical slabular objects based on a novel shape representation, namely elliptical tube representation (ETRep). The ETRep shape space equipped with extrinsic and intrinsic distances in accordance with object transformation is explained. The intrinsic distance is determined based on the intrinsic skeletal coordinate system of the shape space. Further, calculating the intrinsic mean shape based on the intrinsic distance over a set of ETReps is demonstrated. The proposed intrinsic methodology is applied for the statistical shape analysis to design global and partial hypothesis testing methods to study the hippocampal structure in early Parkinson's disease.