
Lattices in rigid analytic representations
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Number Theory
11F80, 14G22
For a profinite group $G$ and a rigid analytic space $X$, we study when an $\mathcal O_X(X)$-linear representation $V$ of $G$ admits a lattice, i.e. an $\mathcal O_{\mathcal X}(\mathcal X)$-linear model for a formal model $\mathcal X$ of $X$ in the sense of Berthelot. We give a positive answer, under mild assumptions, when $X$ is a "wide open" space. Via such a result, we are able to describe explicit subdomains of $X$ over which $V$ is constant after reduction modulo a power of $p$. As an application, we prove some explicit results on the reduction of sheaves of crystalline and semistable representations modulo powers of $p$. We also give an application to the pseudorepresentation carried by the Coleman--Mazur eigencurve.
Comment: 43 pages