
Thermal evolution of spin excitations in honeycomb Ising antiferromagnetic FePSe3
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
We use elastic and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to study the antiferromagnetic (AF) phase transitions and spin excitations in the two-dimensional (2D) zig-zag antiferromagnet FePSe$_3$. By determining the magnetic order parameter across the AF phase transition, we conclude that the AF phase transition in FePSe$_3$ is first-order in nature. In addition, our INS measurements reveal that the spin waves in the AF ordered state have a large easy-axis magnetic anisotropy gap, consistent with an Ising Hamiltonian, and possible biquadratic magnetic exchange interactions. On warming across $T_N$, we find that dispersive spin excitations associated with three-fold rotational symmetric AF fluctuations change into FM spin fluctuations above $T_N$. These results suggest that the first-order AF phase transition in FePSe$_3$ may arise from the competition between $C_3$ symmetric AF and $C_1$ symmetric FM spin fluctuations around $T_N$, in place of a conventional second-order AF phase transition.