
Attosecond vortex pulse trains
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Optics
The landscape of ultrafast structured light pulses has recently evolved driven by the capability of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) to up-convert orbital angular momentum (OAM) from the infrared to the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spectral regime. Accordingly, HHG has been proven to produce EUV vortex pulses at the femtosecond timescale. Here we demonstrate the generation of attosecond vortex pulse trains, i.e. a succession of attosecond pulses with a helical wavefront, resulting from the synthesis of a comb of EUV high-order harmonics with the same OAM. By driving HHG with a polarization tilt-angle fork grating, two spatially separated circularly polarized high-order harmonic beams with order-independent OAM are created. Our work opens the route towards attosecond-resolved OAM light-matter interactions.
Comment: Main text (1-14 pages) and supplemental material (14-16 pages)